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Kate Schroth

Senior Project Manager, Owner's Project Management

Kate has over 15 years of experience in the design and construction industry. Having worked for an architect, contractor, and OPM, she has managed many MSBA, UMBA and private higher education projects. Kate has a thorough understanding of FF&E and technology packages having managed and coordinated them on multiple projects from design to completion. In addition, she oversaw renovations to a historical 27-unit mixed income apartment building on Nantucket and has worked with a Community Preservation Committee, Historical District Commission and MassHousing. Kate works on various capital projects including K-12 and higher education. With her well-rounded background, team player approach and effective communication skills, she fosters a collaborative environment for all. Kate is well-organized and goal orientated which provides the team the ability to stay focused and be effective for a successful project outcome.

Education & Certification

Boston Architectural College, Boston, MA, Masters in Architecture
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies

MCPPO Certified
OSHA 10 Certified


NCARB, Member
American Institute of Architects, Associate Member