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Karl StefanCIEC

Senior Industrial Hygienist, I.H.B.S.

Mr. Stefan has approximately ten years of experience in indoor environmental consulting. His experience includes water sampling, water loss/moisture intrusion investigations, microbial assessments, HVAC assessments, LEED IAQ assessments and construction management plans, technical specifications and remediation plans, hazard communication programs, integrated pest management programs, various occupant exposure assessments in industrial and non-industrial settings, technical report writing and ICRA 2.0 IAQ inspections and sampling.

Mr. Stefan also has experience as a regional manager, performing duties such as overseeing Industrial Hygiene teams, sales and client relations, report reviews, proposal creation, and IAQ training and education.

Education & Certification

M.S., Environmental Science, Drexel University 2013
B.S., Fisheries Science, The Pennsylvania State University 2010

Mold Assessor, State of FL
ACAC Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant

New York 32-Hour Mold Training
Certified Health Care Physical Environment Worker