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Off-Site Link (Test Page)

This page is used for testing the new “Call to Action for Leaving Site” block.

Content with Sidebar Block

Below are two instances of the new “Call to Action for Leaving Site” block. Please view and test both of them and then view them in the “editor” view.

There are some drawbacks and limitations with this approach. Mainly, the consistency of both display and functionality can vary widely based on the browser (and device) a visitor is using.

To increase consistency, we may continue advancing this new block so that it uses our own, custom-designed modal/popup, but for the short term, we wanted to provide you a cleaner, easier way to implement the custom JavaScript code that you already implemented.

Let us know how it works for you and we can publish it to the live site once approved!


We can also change the link style, if desired, upgrading the links to either a button style or a plain text link, but for now we went with the “text-style” button design.

For engineering design, visit LKB Engineering PLLC. Link Test - VERTEX's Instagram page

Sidebar Test

The “Call to Action for Leaving Site” block is currently only available within the Content with Sidebar block. We built it for specific use on the “Lockwood, Kessler and Bartlett, Inc.” page, but if you think it will be useful on a more global scale, then we can expand the availability of this block.