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18 Building Apartment Complex

Project # 57445

18 Building Apartment Complex

VERTEX was retained by a developer/owner of an 18-building apartment complex in Fort Collins, Colorado. The complex was just over 2 years old, and the two largest buildings, each with numerous cantilevered balconies, were experiencing water intrusion. The soffits of several balconies were stained, and some drywall soffits had delaminated.

VERTEX investigated the water intrusion issues and performed intrusive testing to help determine the cause and extent of the water intrusion. Based on our investigations, repair recommendations were developed to address the construction defects leading to water intrusion.

VERTEX’s experience with building envelope construction and common sources of water intrusion helped identify several construction defects in the balcony construction that resulted from deficient practices during construction and helped the owner direct the General Contractor to repair these items under the original construction warranty.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic Consulting services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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