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Apartment Building Fire header
Apartment Building Fire header
Apartment Building Fire header
Apartment Building Fire header
Apartment Building Fire header

VERTEX was retained to perform routine Site Inspections and review proposed and invoiced costs associated with a large apartment structure fire in southern California. The apartment buildings are constructed of wood framing on a slab on grade concrete foundation with a pitched asphalt shingled roof and built in 1971. It is VERTEX’s understanding that a fire occurred in one of the apartments located on the second floor of the north/northeastern apartment building. The fire spread laterally through the continuous roofing system displacing tenants of 23 Units. Based on the age of the building, a limited asbestos survey was conducted and positive results for asbestos containing material (ACM) was reported in 15 apartments.

VERTEX performed multiple Site Inspections to oversee the progress of the ACM abatement and documented the status as well as the material and laborers on Site. Upon receipt of the contractor’s invoices, VERTEX was able to compare the dates the abatement was completed, the material used, and the laborers invoiced to our field notes. Upon review, VERTEX identified that the contractor did not provide their subcontractor invoices and that their personnel listed in the invoice did not match the daily field logs as photographed by VERTEX. Of the total $1,653,454.00 invoiced, VERTEX identified $1,424,120.00 in reasonable and necessary costs, the remaining $229,334.00 was disputed.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.