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Cause & Origin Investigation of Water Damage in Hermosa Beach Residence

VERTEX was retained by the insurance provider to perform a Cause & Origin Investigation of a wood-framed, three story single-family residence overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Hermosa Beach, California. The Insured reported that a significant amount of rainfall occurred in December 2022, which resulted in water staining and black organic growth inside of the Master Bedroom below the exterior Balcony. VERTEX reviewed weather records compiled by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the Hermosa Beach area and discovered that the NOAA weather station recorded a total of 2.54 inches of rainfall over the course of December. VERTEX inspected the interior of the Master Bedroom and exterior components of the Balcony. At these locations, VERTEX observed gaps between the grout and tile on the walking surface above the water-stained gypsum board.

VERTEX also observed separations between the sealant and cement board along the edge of the Balcony. Additionally, the membrane below the cement board above the exterior wall was observed to be compromised, which contributed to water infiltration during the rain events. VERTEX utilized a moisture meter to measure the moisture content of the water-stained gypsum board in the Master Bedroom. VERTEX also employed an infrared thermal imaging camera to observe the surface temperatures and extent of the moisture present in the gypsum board on the underside of the ceiling and exterior wall in the Master Bedroom. VERTEX’s observations were presented to the insurance provider in the form of a report that could be used by the insurance carrier to determine if the insurance claim would be approved or denied. Additionally, the insurance carrier could use the findings in the report to determine how much, if any, of the resultant damage would be covered based upon the coverage of the associated insurance policy.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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