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Commercial Building Energy Audit and PCA

VERTEX performed an energy savings investigation (ESI) in conjunction with a property condition assessment (PCA) of an 18-story office building with 5-level parking garage consisting of a total of 411,865 square feet of gross floor area in Golden Valley, Minnesota. The ESI followed ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 211-2018 for Commercial Building Energy Audits. As part of the ESI, VERTEX performed a evaluation of the building’s historical utility data to analyze usage trends and research abnormalities in billing rates. VERTEX calculated the building’s energy use intensity (EUI) and energy cost index (ECI) to compare against peer buildings.

building with blue sky

VERTEX reviewed the building’s profile within the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Program – VERTEX was able to uncover several errors impacting the overall score of the property, including: unreported natural gas meters, cooling tower water meters being incorrectly utilized in water consumption metrics, incomplete utility bill data, incorrect space identification, and errors in vacancy reporting, weekly operating hours, number of workers on main shift, etc., all of which impacted the ENERGY STAR score or accuracy of the asset profile. In addition, the property reviewed existing building systems to uncover potential low/no cost energy and water improvements and capital improvement energy efficiency measurements (EEMs) within a simple payback period of 5 years. EEMs identified included lighting lamp and control retrofits, replacement of inefficient water heater equipment, replacement of inefficient pump and fan motors, and the recommended installation of VFDs for “heating” hot water circulation pumps. Estimated annual dollar savings was approximately $55,000 and GHG emissions reduction of 328 metric tons of CO2e.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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