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Environmental Due Diligence of Coal-fired Power Plant

VERTEX performed environmental due diligence, remediation, and demolition oversight at a closed coal-fired power plant in Illinois that was scheduled for demolition. VERTEX completed a review of the existing Phase I and performed a comprehensive Phase II to investigate all areas of concern (AOC) at the site. The AOC’s included Former Fuel Oil USTs, a Former Truck Rental Garage, a Former Coal/Coal Ash Unloading Area, and Transformer Substation that reportedly leaked oil to surface soils. The Phase II included the advancement of 14 soil borings, all of which were completed as groundwater monitoring wells, and the collection of soil and groundwater samples from each of the locations. Three grab samples of standing water from the flooded building basement were collected and characterized. Additionally, VERTEX performed a comprehensive survey of the power plant structures for compliance with the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). Our team identified Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and materials that would require abatement prior to proposed demolition activities. VERTEX designed the asbestos survey in accordance with our in-house sampling protocol, which mirrors the EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations. VERTEX utilized our on-staff qualified and licensed asbestos inspectors to collect approximately 350 bulk material samples and analyzed the samples utilizing Polarized Light Microscopy with Dispersion Staining (PLM/DS) for friable materials, PLM for Non-Friable Organically Bound (NOB) matrices, and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for NOB. The results of the comprehensive survey were used to obtain permits for the removal of the ACM.

VERTEX also completed the design, permitting, and implementation of a water treatment system to complete the dewatering of accumulated water in the basement of the building in general accordance with the provisions of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) and the City of Chicago. The basement dewatering project included acquisition of city and state permits for discharge to the municipal sewer system, construction and installation of a water treatment system, daily water sample collection per MWRD provisions, and submittal of daily discharge reports to the MWRD. At completion, the system successfully treated and discharged approximately 650,000-gallons of water.

Finally, VERTEX managed the decommissioning and demolition of the power plant. As part of the demolition management, VERTEX developed an engineering cost estimate. The engineering cost estimate included asbestos abatement, management of hazardous materials, decommissioning of the power plant, salvage of selected equipment, demolition of the buildings and structures, the recycling of scrap, site restoration, and the establishment of a permanent storm water management system at the site. VERTEX prepared a financial and schedule risk register to identify uncertain aspects of the demolition work that could have a significant impact on overall approach, scope, cost, or schedule. After initial development, the cost estimate and the risk register were subjected to quality control and assurance checks. Using the completed engineering estimate and schedule risk register, VERTEX completed a bid package to complete the asbestos abatement and demolition of the power plant.  Once a contractor was selected, VERTEX oversaw the abatement, decommissioning, and demolition of the 34,000-square foot power plant.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting services, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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