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Environmental Loss Control for Cold Storage Facilities

Project # 52067

Environmental Loss Control for Cold Storage Facilities

VERTEX provided expedited loss control services in order to understand pollution exposure for cold storage facilities that were being considered for coverage. The portfolio included several cold storage warehouse sites across the US including: California, Delaware, and Illinois.

In order to determine pre-existing conditions and offer an expedited evaluation of various risks as they relate to site operations, site improvements and historic uses, VERTEX conducted desktop research of each site. VERTEX determined: inventory of onsite hazardous materials and chemicals, manufacturing processes, historical site uses and operations, and past releases/incidents.

VERTEX provided the insurance carrier with a risk evaluation for first and third party remediation costs. The information provided allowed the insured to determine any pre-existing conditions, and evaluate the potential risks.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Loss Control services, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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