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Erie County Courts Exterior Renovations

VERTEX served as the surety’s completion contractor on the Erie County Courts Exterior Renovation project after the default of the project’s original contractor. The contract included extensive renovations to the grounds around the historic Erie County Courthouse in downtown Buffalo, New York, including new concrete and exposed aggregate sidewalks, new driveways and parking areas with glycol snow-melt systems, the addition of a new loading dock to the existing building, landscaping, and site improvements. VERTEX utilized existing and new subcontractors and vendors to complete the scope of work around an occupied courthouse in a busy downtown neighborhood. Additionally, VERTEX performed warranty and repair work as required under the contract, and coordinated the administrative closeout of the contract with the Owner. VERTEX also provided consulting services to the surety, including preparation of cost to complete reports and review of all payment bond claims from subcontractors and suppliers of the original contractor.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Surety Claims Consulting or Completion Contracting services or to speak with a Construction Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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