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Mile High Academy

Following a structural failure at an educational facility in Colorado, VERTEX was retained to provide a defense response to plaintiff claims regarding the standard of care followed by a brokerage firm engaged by the facility’s school board prior to the facility’s purchase. The brokerage firm was originally retained by the school board to secure a building that was to be utilized as a school, assist with the due diligence process during the purchase of the property, and assist with renovating the facility prior to its grand opening.

Subsequent to the structural failure, the school board engaged a liability consultant to analyze the scope of work performed by the brokerage firm. The opposing expert opined that the firm fell below the standard of care. VERTEX was tasked with analyzing and responding to the standard of care opinions made by the opposing expert witness regarding the services provided by the brokerage firm during the purchase and renovation phases of the project. Serving as a liability expert, VERTEX forensically analyzed all correspondence, meeting minutes, and other memorialized documentation leading up to the sale and during the tenant improvement process. Due to VERTEX’s experienced staff of engineers, as well as our comprehensive knowledge and experience with industry standards, the client was able to utilize VERTEX as an expert witness during trial and prove that the brokerage firm had not fallen below the standard of care. VERTEX’s experience with providing testimony proved extremely beneficial in this case, as complex issues were described by VERTEX experts in a clear and concise manner removing any liability associated with the structural failure from the defendant.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic Cost Engineering services or to speak with a Forensic Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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