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Mold and Water Intrusion Investigation

Staff of the insured conducted maintenance and repairs to the fire suppression system at an assisted/independent living facility. The work included the removal and replacement of a sprinkler head located in a third-floor tenant room at the facility. The water supply to this portion of the fire suppression system was turned off during the replacement activities and turned back on following repairs. Later that day, the facility staff identified a water leak from the replaced sprinkler head and notified the Insured. A subsequent inspection the same day by the Insured documented water staining, water damage, and mold growth in a total of six rooms.

VERTEX was retained by the client to investigate the source and timing of water intrusion and mold growth identified in the drywall of the ceiling plenum and several wall areas. Based on VERTEX’s investigation, it was determined that the identified mold growth likely developed as a result of historic water loss event(s), as the mold was initially identified less than 24 hours after the sprinkler leak, and not as a result of the alleged loss event.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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