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Norfolk Southern Juniata Shops, Demolition Support

Project # 38386

Norfolk Southern Juniata Shops, Demolition Support

VERTEX is providing engineering and management services to complete the demolition of three coal-fired boilers and other structures. The boilers are being replaced by a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant which will significantly reduce air emissions and fuel costs and eliminate coal combustion wastes.

VERTEX is managing the demolition design and the development of the procurement documents. The work included review of an existing asbestos inventory to identify “gaps” and scoping/management of a comprehensive survey to quantify asbestos, PCBs and universal wastes. A key part of the project was identifying cut and cap locations so that other boilers remaining in service and other ongoing facility operations would not be adversely affected by the demolition work.

An initial demolition project was completed to clear an area for the CHP. This involved preparing the demolition design and procurement documents for the demolition of two bag houses and a scrubber.

The comprehensive bid specifications and drawings resulted in the successful procurement of competitive bids and limited cost-growth during project execution. The precise sequencing of the work enabled construction of the new CHP plant as scheduled to obtain a significant energy credit. The pre-planning to identify existing utilities and hazardous materials resulted in a safely executed project with no disruptions to the facility or environmental incidents.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting services, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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