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Origin & Cause Investigation of Fire at Auto Repair Shop

Project # 33058

Origin & Cause Investigation of Fire at Auto Repair Shop

VERTEX was retained by an insurance client to conduct an origin and cause investigation of a fire loss at a vehicle repair shop in Rhode Island. The building consisted of an office area, parts sales area and vehicle workshop.

The VERTEX investigation was conducted in accordance with NFPA 921. After inspection of the exterior of the building, investigators entered the building and found the origin of the fire to be located within the office area of the structure. Investigators de-layered fallen debris and other combustible materials burned in the fire and reconstructed the room of origin by placing desks, tables, filing cabinets, electrical wires and appliances back into the location they were in pre-fire.

Our investigation revealed damage at the floor level. Discovered in the area of origin was an electrical extension cord that had been buried under cardboard file boxes containing business receipts and invoices. Close inspection of the electrical wire showed the presence of adverse electrical activity at the area of fire origin.

Within 1 business day, VERTEX completed a scene response and a timely determination of the fire origin and cause which prevented the client from paying for multiple site visits and unnecessary costs for additional experts.

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