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Redevelopment of City Properties into Multi-Family Housing Complex

VERTEX was retained by a national, multi-family housing developer to provide full-scale environmental services for redevelopment of a former city hall and police station, constructed circa 1975, and a former church, constructed circa 1934, into a multi-family housing complex.

As part of environmental Due Diligence activities completed at the site, VERTEX completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), a Phase II Limited Subsurface Investigation (LSI), and Pre-Demolition Survey. During the Phase I ESA, VERTEX identified the historical presence of on-site coal storage, two automotive repair facilities, shops (including an upholsterer, carpet cleaner, and dry cleaner), evidence of building fires, and four underground storage tanks (USTs). To assess these findings, VERTEX completed a Phase II LSI which included the collection of soil and groundwater samples at select locations of the site. The results of the Phase II LSI identified polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-impacted soil under the parking garage at the police station, which required response actions under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The results of the Pre-Demolition Survey identified significant asbestos-containing building materials (ACM) within the church building as well as ACM and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) caulking in the city hall and police station buildings.

As part of redevelopment activities, the city hall, police station, and church buildings were demolished. Prior to demolition, VERTEX prepared hazardous materials design specifications for the removal of ACM and PCB caulking. VERTEX provided environmental monitoring during demolitions, including the implementation of a community air monitoring program and asbestos monitoring. Additionally, VERTEX conducted PCB sampling in accordance with USEPA 40 CFR Part 761 Subparts N and O.

During redevelopment activities, VERTEX will continue to provide Licensed Site Professional (LSP) services. Under the MCP, VERTEX has prepared a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan and a Soil Management Plan and oversaw excavation activities.

In the coming weeks, VERTEX will continue to conduct disposal characterization sampling for the PAH-impacted soil. VERTEX will also prepare disposal facility acceptance letters, LSP Opinion Letters, and associated waste manifest forms. VERTEX will continue to oversee the removal of on-site USTs from the site. The goal of the project is to file a Permanent Solution Statement with the MassDEP indicating a condition of No Significant Risk has been achieved and an activity and use limitation (AUL) is not required. Additionally, VERTEX will work with client to determine eligible costs of remediation under the Massachusetts Brownfield Tax Credit Program.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Environmental Consulting services, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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