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Republic of Palau – Runway, Taxiway and Apron Resurfacing and Repair and Slope Stabilization Project

Project # 72199

Republic of Palau – Runway, Taxiway and Apron Resurfacing and Repair and Slope Stabilization Project

VERTEX won a qualification-based bid to provide airport runway, taxiway and apron rehabilitation design, slope stabilization/mitigation analysis and design, for the Palau International Airport. The scope included geotechnical investigations of the failed sloped areas with the Runway Safety Area (RSA), repairs to the sections of the airfield pavement and resurfacing of the entire pavement areas. The design was carried out in close collaborate with the Palau government and was funded by FAA.

Phase 1 consisted of a fog-seal project, securing FAA emergency funding, and construction management during the construction phase. This fog seal was needed to stabilize the existing asphalt pavement, which was well beyond its normal service life and approaching failure as evidenced by loose aggregates creating Foreign Object Debris (FOD) situations on the runway. On-site testing, using various means of pavement stabilization, were considered.

Given the fragile state of the surface course, a water/asphalt emulsion was selected, and varying application rates were tested on the existing surface to arrive at the optimal application that would bind the pavement aggregates and not interface with the porous surface course’s ability to properly drain runoff.

Phase 2 included mill and overlay of the runway/taxiway, drainage, various upgrades to airfield lightning, signage, markings, apron hardstands, shoulder, turnarounds, and vehicle parking lot.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Engineering Design services or to speak with an Engineering Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

This project was originally awarded to LOCKWOOD, KESSLER & BARTLETT, INC. (LKB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vertex Companies, LLC since January 2021.

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