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VERTEX was retained by a law firm as an expert and to produce an expert report assessing the source and timing of historical petroleum releases at a former heating/fuel oil depot and bulk oil storage facility in New Jersey.

Approximately $3M had been spent remediating soil and groundwater impacts at the site following cessation of fuel oil operations and prior to subsequent redevelopment of the site with a single familiy residential home.

Historically, four different fuel oil companies had operated at the site over a period of several decades. VERTEX reviewed historical technical reports, as-built soil excavation plans, other documents obtained from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) file for the site, as well as historical aerial photographs obtained of the site.

VERTEX produced an expert report presenting the results of our review and analysis and our conclusions regarding the percent contribution to site contamination from various on-site sources (e.g., numerous underground and aboveground storage tanks, hydraulic lifts) and an appropriate allocation of environmental impacts and remedial costs incurred between the most recent operator at the site and the three previous operators.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Forensic Consulting services or to speak with an Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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