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Performance-Based Design to Overcome Fire Egress Challenges at New Food Processing Facility

Project # 79285

Performance-Based Design to Overcome Fire Egress Challenges at New Food Processing Facility

VERTEX completed a Performance-Based Design (PBD) evaluation for a new 400,000 square-foot food processing facility in Perry, Georgia. The issue facing VERTEX’s client was that the travel distances in the proposed building design were exceeding the maximum travel distances allowed per applicable codes and standards.

To demonstrate that safe egress can be accomplished, VERTEX used two (2) state-of-the-art simulation software programs for tenability analysis and egress analysis. For tenability analysis, the fire effects in the building were simulated using Computational Fire Dynamics (CFD) and the egress of occupants from the building was simulated using 3D animation software. After an evaluation of the Required Safe Egress Time (RSET) versus the Available Safe Egress Time (ASET), VERTEX demonstrated that the proposed travel distances in the building are acceptable for the safe egress of all the occupants. The project was delivered on time, within budget, and was approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to proceed with construction.

To learn more about VERTEX’s Fire Protection and Engineering Design services or to speak with an Engineering Expert, call 888.298.5162 or submit an inquiry.

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