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Due Diligence & Property Condition Assessments

VERTEX’s asset evaluation services give clients knowledge for making smart, timely business decisions on property transactions, site development, and mergers and acquisitions.

Whether evaluating a single asset or full portfolio, our experienced consulting and management professionals can quickly identify project areas with the greatest potential to make a significant financial impact. Clients also rely on us for qualified advice on managing liabilities and non-compliance challenges. Our goal is to reduce your risk and enable you to meet the aggressive asset evaluation deadlines that are typical of many real estate transactions.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

VERTEX offers worldwide experience regarding ASTM and “in-country” environmental assessment. If you are considering one site or a portfolio of assets, VERTEX can manage the environmental due diligence. Our experience comes from decades of work during global merger and acquisitions; foreclosures; and industrial, commercial, and residential portfolio transactions. Phase I Environmental Site Assessments can be customized to meet our clients’ needs or scope or can simply be completed in accordance with the ASTM standard. VERTEX will always offer competitive fees and timely service.


Property Condition Assessments

VERTEX utilizes the latest iteration of ASTM’s Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process (E2018) as a basis for our evaluations. Our estimated renovation costs are based on current market rates, enabling stakeholders to project reasonable budget figures when considering property values. VERTEX’s PCA reports exceed the requirements outlined by ASTM, and take the cost estimating and long-range budget forecasting a step further by including an additional Capital Needs estimate for longer-term evaluations.


Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

When additional due diligence is needed beyond the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, VERTEX can provide a scope of work to further assess environmental concerns identified during the Phase I ESA process. Services offered vary from intrusive field sampling of soil, water, and building materials to monitoring well installation and well development. We provide soil vapor and indoor air quality assessments as well. Unlike our competition, we understand that this due diligence is not a science project. That is why we provide financial analysis of environmental risk and environmental prioritization.


Merger & Acquisition and Divestiture Services

VERTEX has managed thousands of property transaction projects and worked on numerous multi-million and billion-dollar real estate portfolio deals as an assessor of environmental risk for major national and international financial institutions. VERTEX provides responsive, efficient, quality consultations under strict, time-critical deadlines. Areas we evaluate include analysis for potential on-site and off-site sources of soil and groundwater contamination, historic concerns, and regulatory issues (wastewater and air discharges, oil and hazardous material storage, and general health and safety). On large portfolios, VERTEX is accustomed to providing a comprehensive yet manageable report summary and/or database of findings that boil down the environmental risks, estimates to remedy, and risk prioritization so our clients can utilize our due diligence efficiently in negotiations.


Energy Disclosure Services

At VERTEX, our management and consulting professionals help clients ensure their properties comply with the local energy assessment and disclosure laws. We can assist you with optimizing the energy expenditures of your building, reducing its environmental impact, and ensuring it meets the relevant utility reporting legislations.

Our energy disclosure services include:

  • Annual utility benchmarking
  • Energy assessment compliance
  • ENERGY STAR Certification
  • Exemption and extension filing
  • Green financing reporting

The experienced VERTEX team can assist you with any aspect of building assessment and help ensure safety and compliance. We’re at your service for any additional information.


Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)

VERTEX’s skilled assessors evaluate a property’s ESG attributes to help our socially conscious clients meet their internal goals and compliance needs. We understand the growing need for companies to incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability into their investment decisions and provide expertise in incorporating this emerging due diligence concern into any property evaluation.


Seismic Risk Assessment

For properties located in seismically active areas, VERTEX’s structural engineers evaluate the risks posed to buildings and infrastructure based on industry-standard probability levels. When potential risks are identified, the VERTEX team provides consultation for available mitigation measures to protect the structure and its occupants.


ADA compliance

Where needed, our Property Condition Assessments can be designed to include a review of the property to determine compliance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Federal Fair Housing Act.


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