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Environmental Loss Control Consulting

VERTEX’s environmental loss control team works to proactively reduce the possibility that an environmental loss will occur and mitigate the severity of those that do occur.

An effective loss control program helps policyholders reduce claims and assists insurance companies to mitigate losses through safety and risk management information and services. VERTEX is instrumental in identifying conditions or situations associated with our clients’ projects, structures, and business operations that present a possibility of loss, whether or not an actual loss occurs.


Carrier Representation

Preparation is our forte. From simple broker/insured meet and greets; to detailed risk presentations; to litigation – expert witness support services, VERTEX will seek out client feedback to provide commensurate levels of effort/presentation.


Loss Control Surveying

Depending on the perspective of the client, VERTEX will often prepare surveys that may include the following: a brief history of the company; hazard exposure analyses (i.e., material handling, ladders, mold-water intrusion, etc.); company-location specific exposure statistics; mitigation program evaluation.


Policy Review

By staying abreast of changing state/federal policies and statutes (as well as within Canada and Mexico), we are able to anticipate emerging risks and advise clients accordingly. An example would be our ongoing nationwide gasoline station/fuel storage regulation and compliance database that we maintain and provide to clients as a guidance tool.


Risk Management

We understand risk management and financing and continue to keep pace with this emerging and dynamic field through education and strategic hires. We can work in conjunction with clients seeking solutions in the traditional insurance realm, as well as entertain ramifications of non-insurance risk transfer and retention.


Technical Interpretation

Our greatest skills in this arena are often described as the ability to extract relevant risk exposures, from a myriad of information sources, in an expedited manner, for a reasonable cost.


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