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Jennifer Pelkey

Project Manager II, Environmental Insurance

Ms. Pelkey is a Project Manager II for VERTEX, and graduated from Saint Michael’s College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in the Spanish Language. Ms. O’Brien has been involved in a variety of projects including Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments including Limited Compliance Reviews and Soil Management Plans. She has had experience managing a variety of site assessments including storage facilities, various industrial facilities and distribution centers, gasoline stations, and large commercial and residential facilities, which have included additional services such as radon testing, mold assessments, lead in water testing, and limited compliance reviews. Her projects have varied in complexity from vacant land to Brownfield sites. Ms. Pelkey’s current role at VERTEX also includes claim investigation/management, loss control and field operations such as Cause and Origin investigations throughout the United States. Claim investigation and management services include detailed reviews of claim and regulatory related documentation to determine the cause, origin, and timing of losses as well as determining the reasonableness of scopes and the associated costs on projects to achieve regulatory closure, negotiating/coordinating directly with consultants on behalf of clients, report writing, and tracking remedial progress towards closure.

Education & Certification

B.A., Environmental Studies, Minor in Spanish Language – Saint Michael’s College

ACAC Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant